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Birla Fertility & IVF

IVF Diet Chart: You Should Follow for IVF Pregnancy

  • Published on March 22, 2023
IVF Diet Chart: You Should Follow for IVF Pregnancy

Diet Chart for IVF Pregnancy

Choosing the right diet can be difficult during pregnancy and it may stress out some mothers who are expecting a baby through an IVF procedure. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is an assisted reproduction method that includes a complex series of procedures. This is considered one of the best options to conceive a baby. The below article has listed some of the food items and diet tips that can help you during your pregnancy and may increase the chances of successful IVF pregnancy.

The two significant factors; lifestyle and diet, can impact the results of your pregnancy journey. According to some studies, it is believed that the Mediterranean Diet is one of the best diet plans to improve the success rate of IVF pregnancy. 

IVF Diet Chart for the Day

“Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper ” 

This is a proverb that states that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and is supposed to be heavy. Whereas, dinner needs to be lighter compared to other meals you consume during the day. You can balance your diet by adding proteins, nutrients, vitamins, and other necessary supplements to feel full and active throughout the day.

For Breakfast

You can include the following food items according to your choice to start your day- 

  • Egg whites
  • Whole eggs
  • Green tea
  • Oats pancake
  • Boiled vegetables
  • Orange juice
  • Soaked walnuts and almonds

For Lunch

During lunch, you can add any of the following items- 

  • Chicken with rice
  • Vegetable curry with rice
  • Whole wheat bread with omelette
  • Whole wheat bread sandwich
  • Roasted chicken with some curd
  • Mixed bean salad

For Dinner 

As the above-mentioned proverb says, dinner is supposed to be the lightest meal so that it is easier to digest before bedtime. Add the following items to make your dinner light yet fulfilling- 

  • Salmon with mashed potatoes and corn salad
  • Lentils soup
  • Baked fish
  • Fresh salad
  • Grilled chicken
  • Tofu with some greens
  • Lean meat
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Leafy greens

What to eat for IVF success?

It is always necessary to add all food groups in different quantities to get the maximum benefit from the diet. Some food items are the primary source of nutrition. Therefore, including the following foods can have a positive effect on IVF pregnancy:

  • Whole grains help in boosting fertility as well as balancing hormones.
  • Seasonal fruits and vegetables contain essential minerals and vitamins that improve the success of IVF pregnancy. 
  • Include a variety of fish or lean meats in your diet. It increases the probability of live birth and promotes better results.

Add Nutrients in your Diet Chart for IVF 

It is always the best idea to incorporate food items in your diet plan that are rich in minerals and vitamins. By adding the following items you can get most of the micronutrients that can help IVF pregnancy to be successful. 

  • Omega-3 fatty acids It improves the result of IVF pregnancy and increases the rate of live birth. Eggs, fish, nuts and seeds are good sources of omega-3 fatty acids. 
  • Vitamin C It is considered one of the best antioxidants. This helps in reducing oxidative stress and also prevents damage to the DNA. Orange, tomato, kiwi, and strawberry are rich in vitamin C. 
  • Vitamin D   Salmon and fortified milk are enriched with vitamin D. This helps in fetal growth and is considered necessary during pregnancy. A deficiency of vitamin D can result in complications like low birth weight. 
  • Folic Acid Leafy vegetables, beetroot, and asparagus consist of high folic acid. This micronutrient prevents any neural tube defect and increases the rate of live birth.

Bottom Line

Diet plays a vital role in IVF pregnancy. The more healthy and balanced you eat, the more nourishment a baby gets and grows smoothly. A healthy IVF diet chart also helps in minimizing complications during pregnancy. Therefore it is always advisable to eat a healthy diet enriched with all the necessary supplements including vitamins, proteins, and nutrients to promote the success rate of IVF. The above article gives an understanding of what you can eat and how following a healthy diet improves IVF success.

If you are also planning for IVF pregnancy and seek advice for the same, call us to book a free consultation with our IVF expert.


  • Which fruit is good for IVF treatment?

IVF experts suggest eating seasonal fruits that are rich in vitamins. Some of the common fruits that are recommended during IVF treatment are strawberries, kiwis, oranges, berries, beetroot, and bananas.

  • Is milk good for IVF?

Though there is no harm in consuming milk and dairy products. But, it is always advisable to reduce the amount and replace full-fat milk with low fat milk.

  • What foods should I avoid during IVF?

There are a few food items that may have an adverse effect on the IVF success rate. Some of the food items you should avoid during IVF are:

  1. Raw or half-cooked seafood
  2. Excessive cheese
  3. Unhealthy or fatty food 
  4. Caffeine
  5. Fizzy and sugary drinks
  6. Refined sugar 
  7. Raw eggs
Written by:
Dr. Astha Jain

Dr. Astha Jain

Dr. Aastha Jain is a distinguished fertility and IVF specialist as well as an endoscopic surgeon, known for her deep-seated empathy and compassionate approach to patient care. She has expertise in laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgeries . Her primary areas of interests include managing recurrent IVF failure, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), low ovarian reserve, endometriosis, and uterine anomalies. Her commitment to a 'Patient First' philosophy, coupled with a dynamic and comforting personality, encapsulates the essence of "All Heart All Science"
Indore, Madhya Pradesh

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