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Birla Fertility & IVF
Birla Fertility & IVF

Ovulation Calculator

Are you curious about your peak fertility days? With the help of this ovulation calculator, you can track the optimal days for conception, boosting your chances of pregnancy and making informed decisions about starting a family.


How To Use
Ovulation Calculator?

This ovulation calculator is easy to use and includes a few simple steps to get personalized outcomes. The following steps will help you track your most fertile days:

  • Select the start date of your last menstrual period (LMP)
  • Adjust the average length of your menstruation cycle and click on ‘Calculate’

The ovulation calculator then provides you with the estimated date range, i.e. most fertile window along with other important factors such as next period date, pregnancy test date, expected due date and best days to conceive.

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Benefits of using the Ovulation Calendar

Predicts Fertile Window

Predicts Fertile Window

Based on information about the menstrual cycle, ovulation calculators help determine the peak fertility days for conceiving.

Timed Intercourse

Timed Intercourse

This helps determine the best time to indulge in sexual intercourse, which increases the likelihood of conception.

Promotes Preparedness

Promotes Preparedness

Equipped with insights from ovulation calculators, women can enhance their readiness for conception by embracing active lifestyle practices and, if necessary, pursuing medical guidance.

Encourages Pregnancy Planning

Encourages Pregnancy Planning

Ovulation calculators help women organize their attempts at conception, lining them up with their ovulation cycle to maximize the chances of conception.

Empower Women

Empower Women

Ovulation calculators offer women more control over their reproductive health by providing them with knowledge about their fertility window.

Supports Conception Journey

Supports Conception Journey

Ovulation calculator provides insights and important timelines to assist women in their reproductive journey

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When is the
best time to conceive?

Ovulation can be tricky to understand for some women, as one cannot track it without getting familiar with the menstruation cycle. Typically, ovulation occurs in the mid-period cycle and is considered peak fertility days.

The fertile window is known as the best time to conceive a baby. It varies from one woman to another on the basis of the menstrual cycle length. The five days leading up to and the day an egg is released from the ovary are considered a fertile window. Therefore, it is the best time to engage in sexual intercourse to achieve conception.

How does the
menstrual cycle work?

The menstruation cycle begins when a woman starts getting her period. It happens when the uterine lining starts shedding. The period cycle prepares women’s bodies every month for a possible pregnancy in the future. It is said that a typical menstrual cycle lasts between 24 and 38 days.

Generally, one-period cycle duration is somewhere between three to seven days. The flow of menstruation may also vary among women. The menstruation cycle includes four phases:

– Menses: 1-5 days
– Follicular: 6-14 days
– Ovulation: 10-14 days
– Luteal: 15-28 day

The release of an egg or eggs from the ovaries is referred to as “ovulation,” and it typically happens halfway through your menstrual cycle.

Symptoms of
Ovulation Phase

The following signs can indicate and help you determine when you can plan your pregnancy: 


Cervical mucus changes
Cervical mucus changes
Mild pelvic or lower abdominal pain
Mild pelvic or lower abdominal pain
Heightened senses
Heightened senses
Vaginal bleeding
Vaginal bleeding
Breast soreness or tenderness
Breast soreness or tenderness
Sharp or dull cramp
Sharp or dull cramp

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Myths & Facts

Myths- “To become pregnant, you need to have sexual activity every day of your fertile period.”


FALSE! Typically, the fertility window of each menstrual cycle is between 8 to 9 days, so you can indulge in intercourse at any point during this period and it could lead to conception.

Myths- “It is impossible to conceive while you are on your Period”


FALSE! It is said that the period is not likely to be the most fertile time of the month. However, the ovulation phase can change in every menstrual cycle, so you may already be fertile while on your period. So yes, there is a possibility of conception during periods.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Ovulation Calculator, and How Does it Work?

The most fertile days in a woman’s menstrual cycle can be predicted with an ovulation calculator, which is usually based on the length of the woman’s cycle and the date of her previous menstruation. It assists women in determining their window of opportunity for conception by approximating the moment of ovulation, or when the ovary releases an egg for fertilization.

How does Ovulation Affect Pregnancy?

Because it signifies the release of a developed egg from the ovary, ovulation is an essential step in the pregnancy process. Conception takes place if the sperm fertilizes the egg at this time. Increasing the chance of conception and a healthy pregnancy can be achieved by being aware of and monitoring ovulation.

How does an Ovulation Calculator Help Women in Their Conception Journey?

To increase the likelihood of conception, women can optimize their odds of conception by using ovulation calculators, which help them forecast when they will be most fertile. Through the provision of information regarding the timing of ovulation, these technologies enable women to take proactive measures towards becoming pregnant.

Why does Ovulation Play a Key Role in Pregnancy?

In order to create a viable embryo, sperm must fertilize the released egg during ovulation, which is why ovulation is crucial for pregnancy. Pregnancy is facilitated when ovulation is accurately detected and timed, as this increases the chance of successful fertilization and implantation.

Can Using an Ovulation Calculator Improve the Chances of Getting Pregnant?

By assisting women in determining their fertile window—the ideal period for conception—ovulation calculators can increase the likelihood of conception. Accurately timed sexual activity with ovulation can help couples improve their chances of pregnancy.

How Reliable are Ovulation Calculators for Tracking Fertility?

In general, ovulation calculators are reliable for monitoring fertility and determining the fertility window. Individual fertility patterns, however, can differ, and accuracy can also be impacted by other elements including irregular cycles or underlying medical issues.

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