At Birla Fertility & IVF, we offer a comprehensive range of fertility treatments including diagnostic services, fertility preservation techniques and a donor program.
Whether you need hormone therapy or a more complex infertility treatment like ICSI, we will help you at every step with a tailor-made treatment plan that will work best for you.

Our Services

Cancer Fertility Preservation

Cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy can have a detrimental impact on male and female fertility and preservation techniques have to be timed in accordance with the cancer treatments.

Mental Health

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Female Infertility

Embryo Reduction

Embryo reduction can be done using a transvaginal approach between 7-9 weeks of pregnancy or using a transabdominal approach between 11-13 weeks of pregnancy. Both approaches use ultrasound guidance to visualise the embryos in the uterus during the procedure.

Our Services

Genetic Panel

Comprehensive panel for patients who require genetic testing to check for specific conditions or for chromosomal variations in the embryos to minimize the risk of passing on any genetic condition to the child.

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Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)

Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis or PGD involves screening the genes of the embryos from an IVF cycle for a specific genetic condition. Healthy embryos can be transferred to achieve a pregnancy or frozen for future fertility treatments.

Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS)

Pre-implantation genetic screening or PGS involves checking the chromosomes of embryos from an IVF cycle for any chromosomal abnormalities.

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Our Services

Advanced Semen Analysis

The collected semen sample is tested for sperm count, sperm motility (the ability of sperm to move forward), sperm morphology and certain genetic disorders.

Tubal Patency Tests (HSG, SSG)

Investigations to diagnose blocked or diseased fallopian tubes that may be preventing natural or assisted pregnancies.

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Infertility Assessment Panel

Female infertility tests involve a combination of blood tests and ultrasounds to assess ovarian reserve, thyroid function, blood sugar, specific genetic conditions and uterine health. Male infertility tests involve a complete physical check-up, blood test and semen analysis to assess sperm count, sperm motility and sperm morphology.

Fertility Treatments

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Our Services

Testicular Tissue Freezing

This procedure is recommended for pre-pubescent male patients who need to preserve their fertility for medical reasons.

Ovarian Cortex Freezing

This procedure involves removing a small piece of ovarian tissue, slicing it into thin sections and freezing it. The tissue slices can be thawed and grafted back into the pelvis when the patient is ready to try conceiving.

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Our Services

Embryo Freezing

Embryo freezing involves undergoing an IVF cycle where harvested eggs from the female partner are fertilised with sperm from the male partner and resulting embryos are frozen and stored.

Sperm Freezing

Sperm is collected from the semen sample or extracted directly via surgical retrieval techniques and is mixed with a protective solution, frozen and stored in sealed vials.

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Our Services

Egg Freezing

Unfertilised eggs are harvested from the ovaries after a course of hormone therapy and frozen to be fertilised and transferred in future fertility treatments.

Electroejaculation and Ancillary Services

Procedures to collect semen from patients with sexual or ejaculation disorders for fertility treatments and investigations.

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Our Services

Testicular Tissue Biopsy

A specialized sperm retrieval technique for severe male factor infertility that involves extraction of sperm from biopsied testicular tissue.

Varicocele Repair

A surgical procedure to treat varicoceles (enlarged veins in the testicles) that can interfere with the flow of sperm into the semen and reduce sperm count.

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Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (PESA)

In this surgical sperm retrieval technique, a fine needle is inserted into the epididymis (a tube that stores and carries sperm in the testicles) and sperm is collected using gentle suction.

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Donor Services
