Reasons behind Failed IVF cycles Reasons behind Failed IVF cycles

Reasons behind IVF Failures

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Wondering why IVF fails?

When you’ve been trying for a child for a long time, IVF can provide you with a gleam of optimism. So you go in with positivity and high hopes, and you follow your doctor’s advice in the hopes of becoming pregnant. Then something unforeseen situation occurs, and your IVF cycle fails. A couple is left grieving after IVF failure which further leads to feeling heartbroken, shattered.

If your IVF cycle fails, don’t let it stop you from achieving your goal of becoming a parent. There is always another chance, and becoming a parent is not impossible, so staying positive and hopeful is essential.

3 failed IVF cycles: What's next?

Certain options can be considered after 3 failed IVF cycles. 

1- After consulting with the fertility specialist, give it another shot

2- Consider getting a second opinion based on prior IVF failure stories that led to IVF success stories in the long run.

3- For certain women who have insufficient or non-viable eggs, donor eggs may be the solution

IVF failure symptoms

The majority of women who experience IVF failure have no symptoms, but some women may experience the following symptoms:-

  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Pelvic discomfort 
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Obstruction of the bowels
  • History of ectopic pregnancy

Reasons for IVF failure

Quality of embryos

We, at some point, must have wondered why does IVF fail with good embryos. The most common reason for IVF failure is the quality of embryos. After implantation, the good embryo can also turn into a defective one once transferred to the uterus. 

Chromosomal issues

Chromosomal abnormalities can cause miscarriages and unsuccessful IVF cycles. Chromosomal abnormalities in women begin to increase in their 30s, and there are chromosomal errors in sperms as well, although they occur at a far slower rate than in women’s eggs. Following a series of failed IVF treatments, your fertility specialist may suggest genetic testing for the next IVF cycle as it aids in determining the correct quantity of chromones.

Impact of unhealthy lifestyle

Before even pursuing IVF or even natural pregnancy, all fertility clinics recommend avoiding smoking and drinking at least three months prior to the treatment and trying, as this can increase the IVF failure rate. Smoking women may require more IVF cycles to conceive than non-smoking women. Being overweight or underweight can also lower the chances of a successful IVF cycle. 

Age of the eggs

The right age of the eggs is more important than the woman’s age. As a woman gets older, her ovarian reserve begins to deteriorate, making it difficult to conceive. Trying for a baby at the right time is essential because a woman, after a period of failed IVF, is heartbroken and starts to lose her self confidence which may affect her next attempt of the IVF cycle. 


What happens if IVF fails?

Depending upon the cause of IVF failure, several options are available, from giving it another try to third party donor assistance to adoption.

After a failed IVF, how long should I wait?

It is suggested to wait at least 5-6 weeks after a failed IVF before trying again or as directed by the doctor.

How many cycles of IVF can be done?

Because every woman’s body is different, the number of cycles should be decided following a thorough medical examination.