Understanding IUI Failure and its Symptoms

Dr. Sugata Mishra
Dr. Sugata Mishra

MBBS,MS (Obstetrics & Gynaecology)

5+ Years of experience
Understanding IUI Failure and its Symptoms

Key Takeaways

  • Watch out for the onset of menstruation, a negative pregnancy test, and the absence of pregnancy symptoms.

  • Factors contributing to IUI failure: Poor sperm quality, ovulation issues, hormonal imbalances, uterine environment, and fallopian tube problems.

  • Consult your fertility specialist to analyse the reasons IUI did not work to consider alternative treatments like IVF or ICSI.

  • Necessary lifestyle modifications may derive success in subsequent attempts.

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is a widely utilised fertility treatment that offers a less invasive and more affordable option for couples facing difficulties in conceiving. Its simplicity and effectiveness make IUI a preferred first step in the fertility treatment journey, often taken before exploring other, more complex options.

After undergoing an IUI, it typically takes 14 days to determine if the procedure was successful. This timeframe allows for several biological processes to occur.

Facts About IUI Success Rates in India

While specific data and statistics for the Indian subcontinent may be limited, here are some general insights:

  • Success Rates: The success rate of IUI varies, but generally, about 90% of people who get pregnant through IUI do so within the first three cycles.

  • Age Factor: Women over 35 years old with low ovarian reserve have lower success rates with IUI and may need to consider other fertility treatments sooner.

Age Group (years)

IUI Success Rate Per Cycle

Under 35

35-40 10%

Over 40


Reasons Why IUI Treatment did Not Work

If you’ve recently undergone an IUI procedure and it was unsuccessful, it’s natural to feel frustrated, confused, and even disheartened. However, it’s important to remember that IUI failure is not uncommon, and many factors can influence the success of this treatment.

Understanding the reasons behind why your IUI procedure failed can help in coping with the disappointment and in planning the next steps. Some common causes include:



Poor sperm quality

Low sperm count, motility (the ability of sperm to move), or morphology (the size and shape of sperm) can reduce the chances of fertilisation.

Poor quality eggs

Eggs that are not healthy or of good quality can result in abnormal embryo development, increasing the risk of miscarriage or congenital disabilities.

Ovulation issues

Irregular ovulation or failure to ovulate can hinder the success of IUI.

Endometrial receptivity

Factors affecting the uterine lining can impact the implantation of a fertilised egg.

Maternal age

Advanced maternal age can decrease the likelihood of a successful IUI.

Severe cases of infertility

Underlying issues like endometriosis or blocked fallopian tubes can affect IUI success.

Unexplained infertility

In some cases, the cause of infertility may be unknown, making it challenging to determine the best course of treatment.


Other factors that can contribute to IUI failure include:

  1. Progesterone deficiency

  2. Lifestyle factors (smoking, alcohol consumption, high stress)

Symptoms Indicating IUI Failure

Understanding the symptoms associated with IUI failure is crucial for coping with this difficult time. When an IUI cycle does not lead to pregnancy, it can be hard to identify the signs right away. Often, the indicators are rooted in the absence of typical pregnancy symptoms. Here are some signs that may suggest the treatment was not successful:

  • No implantation bleeding: The absence of light spotting or implantation bleeding 10-14 days after IUI.

  • Absence of pregnancy symptoms: Successful IUI often leads to early pregnancy symptoms such as nausea or breast tenderness. The lack of these symptoms can suggest that the procedure was unsuccessful.

  • Return of menstrual symptoms: The onset of menstrual cramps, mood swings, and other premenstrual symptoms suggests that the cycle was unsuccessful.

  • Negative pregnancy test: A negative result on a home pregnancy test or blood test 14-16 days after the IUI.

  • Onset of menstrual period: One of the most definitive signs of a failed IUI is the arrival of your menstrual period within two weeks post-procedure.

When You Should Seek Medical Advice

If you experience any of the following symptoms after your IUI, it’s important to contact your fertility doctor:

  1. Severe pain or cramping

  2. Heavy bleeding

  3. Fever or chills

  4. Dizziness or fainting

  5. Unusual vaginal discharge

These symptoms could indicate complications that require prompt medical attention.

Coping With an Unsuccessful IUI Treatment Cycle

If IUI treatment does not succeed, it’s important to understand the next steps. Being aware of certain medical and emotional considerations after a failed IUI can help you manage these symptoms better:

  • Heavier menstruation flow: Some women may experience a heavier menstrual flow due to the hormonal medications used during the IUI process.

  • Cramping: Mild cramping or discomfort during the first period after a failed IUI is generally normal but should be monitored.

  • Emotional response: It is normal to feel grief, sadness, loss, and disappointment after an IUI treatment failure. These emotions can be intense, especially during the two-week waiting period after the treatment.

Medical Follow-Up:

When you feel ready, your fertility doctor may recommend tests to determine the cause of the failure and discuss the next steps in your fertility journey.

Dealing with the disappointment of a failed IUI cycle requires a combination of emotional support, lifestyle adjustments, and strategic planning. Here are some strategies you can use:

  • Relaxation techniques: Utilise relaxation exercises, such as breathing, guided imagery, and meditation, to manage stress and anxiety.

  • Social support: Identify sources of social support, including friends, family, support groups, and online communities. Sharing experiences with others who have gone through similar situations can be incredibly helpful.

  • Cognitive restructuring: Use cognitive restructuring techniques to reframe negative thoughts into positive statements. This can help in managing the emotional impact of the treatment cycle.

  • Physical activity: Engage in regular physical activity, but ensure you consult with your doctor to maintain a safe workout routine during the treatment cycle.

  • Humour and leisure: Incorporate humour and leisure activities into your daily routine, such as watching comedy films, reading humorous books, or engaging in hobbies you enjoy.

Steps After Multiple Failed IUI Cycles

If you have experienced multiple failed IUI cycles, it is crucial to reassess your treatment plan.

  1. Consult a fertility specialist: If you have had 3 to 4 failed IUI cycles, especially if you are above 35 years old and have a low ovarian reserve, it may be time to consider IVF or other advanced fertility treatments. A fertility doctor can review your medical history, test results, and provide guidance on the best next steps.

  2. Additional testing: Further testing may be recommended to identify any underlying issues that could be affecting your ability to conceive. This can help in determining whether IUI can still be successful after addressing these issues.

  3. Alternative fertility treatments: Options such like In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) or Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) may be considered, especially after multiple failed IUI cycles. IVF is a more advanced procedure where the egg is fertilised outside the body, which can be particularly effective for women over 35 years or those with low ovarian reserve. ICSI is useful in cases of severe male infertility, where a single sperm is injected directly into the egg.

Word from an expert

Experiencing IUI failure can be disheartening, but it’s important to remember that this is just one step in your fertility journey. By working closely with your fertility specialist, you can gain a better understanding of the underlying causes and explore alternative treatment options that may increase your chances of success. Remember, every couple’s journey is unique, and with the right support and guidance, you can navigate this challenging time with hope and resilience. Trust in the process and know that your healthcare team is there to support you every step of the way.
~ Dr. Aashita Jain

Our Fertility Specialists