Semen Freezing

Semen freezing, also known as sperm cryopreservation, is a service that allows men to preserve their sperm for the future. This procedure is crucial for men who want to safeguard their fertility due to various reasons, such as medical treatments or lifestyle choices, that might affect their ability to conceive naturally later.


What is Semen Freezing?

Semen freezing is the process of preserving sperm by cooling it to sub-zero temperatures to use at a later date. It gives you a chance of conceiving a biological baby in the future.

Men can also freeze their semen to donate to someone else’s treatment. It’s important to choose reputed and comprehensive semen-freezing services to preserve a person’s ability to procreate.

Our expert team ensures that the collected sperm is of high quality, properly processed, and stored in liquid nitrogen at temperatures below -196 °C. This meticulous process helps in maintaining the viability and integrity of the sperm for future fertilisation procedures.

Why is it recommended?

Male Factor Infertility: Men with low sperm count or poor sperm quality can benefit from semen freezing. This allows them to preserve their viable sperm for future use in assisted reproductive technologies. By freezing their sperm, these men can improve their chances of having biological children, even if their sperm quality declines in the future.

Vasectomy: Men planning to undergo a vasectomy may opt for semen freezing to preserve their sperm if they decide to have children later.

Chemotherapy: Men undergoing chemotherapy or other medical treatments that can affect fertility should consider semen freezing. This ensures that they have the option to father children after their treatment is complete.

How is it done?

  • Preliminary Check

Before the semen freezing process begins, a thorough medical assessment is conducted to ensure the individual is a suitable candidate for the procedure.

  • Sample Collection and Freezing
    • At the Clinic: Fertility specialists will ask you to provide a semen sample in a sterile plastic container. You will be given privacy in a dedicated room to produce the sample through masturbation.

    • At Home: If preferred, you can collect the sample at home and bring it to the clinic within a specific time frame to ensure its viability.

  • Semen Analysis: Once the sample is collected, it undergoes an analysis to assess sperm count, motility, and morphology.

  • Cryoprotective Agent: A cryoprotective agent is added to the semen to protect the sperm cells during the freezing process.

  • Freezing Process: The prepared semen sample is then rapidly frozen using a process known as vitrification. The sample is cooled to temperatures below -196 °C using liquid nitrogen, which prevents ice crystal formation that could damage the sperm cells.

  • Storage: The frozen semen is stored in special containers within liquid nitrogen tanks, ensuring it remains viable and ready for future use.

Why Choose Us

Choosing the right fertility clinic is crucial for starting your family. At Birla Fertility & IVF, we offer personalised care with expert specialists guiding you every step of the way. Our advanced labs and outstanding success rates have helped over 2,30,000 patients achieve their dream of parenthood.

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Things to Remember for Semen Freezing

Before the Treatment

  • STD Testing: Tests for sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV.
  • Blood Tests: Blood tests are performed to ensure overall health and suitability for the procedure.

During the Treatment

  • Sample Collection: In Clinic: You will be provided with a sterile plastic container for the semen sample. The doctor will ask you to produce the sample through masturbation in a private room to ensure comfort and privacy.
  • At Home: If preferred, you can collect the semen sample at home using a sterile container provided by the clinic. It is important to deliver the sample to the clinic within a specified timeframe to maintain its viability.
  • Instructions and Preparation: Before collection, the doctor will provide detailed instructions on hygiene and handling to ensure the sample's integrity.
  • Handling the Sample: The sample should be kept at body temperature and handed over to the fertility specialists for analysis and processing.

After the Treatment

  • Immediate Freezing: The fertility specialist places the sample into a freezer.
  • Cryopreservation: The sample is rapidly cooled using a process called vitrification.
  • Liquid Nitrogen Storage: The sample is then stored in liquid nitrogen tanks at temperatures below -196 °C.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frozen sperm can be stored in a state of suspended animation indefinitely. Regulatory bodies have defined a maximum storage period of 10 years which is extended indefinitely for patients with medical conditions like cancer that can impair their fertility.

The sample is frozen using liquid nitrogen which is at a temperature of -196°C. Successful cryopreservation involves draining cell water and replacing it with cryoprotectant or antifreeze agents. This is done through simple osmosis. Once frozen, the sperm cells are in suspended animation where all metabolic activity is effectively stopped, enabling it to be stored as long as this temperature is maintained.

If the preliminary assessment of the sperm sample indicates absence of sperm (azoospermia), surgical extraction of sperm can be recommended to obtain sperm for freezing or fertility treatments

There is a small risk of the sperm not surviving the freezing and thawing process. However, advancements in cryopreservation technology and use of antifreeze agents have significantly reduced this risk.

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