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Birla Fertility & IVF

IUI Success Rate: What Are The Chances Of Conception through IUI Treatment?

  • Published on May 11, 2022
IUI Success Rate: What Are The Chances Of Conception through IUI Treatment?

Nearly half of the couples experiencing infertility are actively seeking fertility treatment. Contrary to popular belief, fertility treatment goes beyond IVF. There are various other Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) methods such as IUI. It is a trusted female infertility treatment method offering relief to millions of couples. The IUI success rate, however, is not rigid and is dependent on a range of factors.

The article below focuses on the IUI success symptoms and the keys to a successful IUI. Based on expert insights provided by Dr. Rachita Munjal, leading fertility specialist at Birla Fertility & IVF, we will explore all that we need to know about the process, costing and symptoms of IUI.

Before we find out about the IUI success tips, let us begin by understanding what is IUI?

IUI Success Rate – About IUI

IUI stands for Intrauterine insemination. Popularly known as artificial insemination, it is a leading fertility treatment in which the sperm aspirated from the male partner is directly placed into the woman’s uterus.

Why is IUI Done?

IUI is done for the treatment of a range of infertility issues, mostly those afflicting women. IUI is indicated for couples who have the following health concerns:

  • Donor sperm – Donor sperm services mostly require the use of intrauterine insemination. Frozen donor cells are retrieved from an authorised agency. These sperm cells are thawed and used for the IUI procedure.
  • Unexplained infertility – Unexplained infertility is defined as infertility in which the exact cause cannot be identified or known. IUI treatment is used for unexplained infertility issues.
  • Endometriosis – Endometriosis is a condition in which tissue similar to the tissue lining the uterus begins to grow outside the uterus. Endometriosis can occur anywhere on the ovaries or the fallopian tubes obstructing your fertility potential.
  • Male factor infertility – Male factor infertility is attributed to an abnormality in the male reproductive system. It includes low sperm count, poor sperm motility, poor sperm morphology and below-average sperm concentration. Infertility caused by these issues can be treated with an IUI procedure as it helps in enhancing the chances of pregnancy due to close proximity of the sperm to the uterus.
  • Cervical factor infertility – Cervical mucus is a fluid produced by your cervix. A wet and slippery textured cervical mucus indicates fertility. This fluid is responsible for producing an optimal environment for the sperm to travel from the vagina to the fallopian tube. However, highly thick cervical mucus can interfere with this process and cause infertility issues. IUI procedure can be used to help treat this problem and attain pregnancy.
  • Ovulation disorders – Ovulation is a natural process in which your body releases a mature egg each month. This egg travels down the fallopian tube in order to be fertilised with sperm cells. Ovulation disorders or ovulatory factor infertility are conditions in which a person does not experience ovulation at all or has a reduced number of eggs. These issues can be effectively treated with IUI treatment.

How is IUI done?

IUI treatment is a safe, non-invasive procedure. Your fertility doctor begins by washing and concentrating the semen sample obtained from the male partner. This process allows the fertility specialist to identify the healthiest and most active sperm cells. Simultaneously, he/she will monitor your health and track your ovulation cycle.

IUI is a time-specific procedure. The washed-out sperm cells are to be placed in the uterus at a time when your fertility is at its peak, that is, during your fertile window. Therefore, your healthcare provider will closely track your ovulation through transvaginal ultrasound, tracking your basal body temperature and noting the changes in your cervical mucus.

You may also be given certain drugs to help induce ovulation as higher numbers of high-quality eggs will increase your chances of conception.

IUI is a simple procedure that takes about 15-20 minutes. In this procedure, you will be asked to lie down on an exam table. Your doctor will analyse your uterus by doing a Pap smear test. After this, he/she will insert a thin catheter into the vaginal opening to access the uterus and push the concentrated semen sample through a tube in the uterus.

While IUI is a safe procedure. There are some risks and complications associated with it, including infection, spotting and multiple pregnancies.

What is the IUI Success Rate?

The IUI success rate is not dependent on a single factor. There is a range of factors taken into consideration to weigh the IUI treatment success rate. These include:

  • Underlying health concerns – IUI treatment success rate depends on whether or not you have underlying health issues that may impact the results of IUI. The type of condition as well the severity of its symptoms are measured to know the success of an IUI treatment. Common health issues include blocked fallopian tubes, unexplained infertility, and male factor infertility.
  • Your age – The female partner’s age is a crucial factor in determining the success of IUI. It is a well-established fact that a woman’s fertility potential declines as she grows old. It is because both the quality and quantity of the eggs begin to decrease. The IUI success rate varies and depends on the age of the female. IUI is most successful in younger women while it has a rather low success rate in advanced age. On average, a woman under the age of 35 years has about 20-30% chances of getting pregnant from IUI.
  • Timing of the procedure – Another significant factor that determines the IUI success rate is the timing at which the procedure is performed. It is mentioned above that IUI is a time-critical procedure. Artificial insemination is to be performed at a time when the fertile window of a woman is at its highest. Your doctor will perform the IUI procedure when you are ovulating as the chances of success are higher at that time.

Apart from these, there are certainly additional factors that define the IUI treatment success rate, including:

  • The expertise of the fertility doctor
  • Lifestyle choices of the couple
  • The overall health of the couple

What are the IUI Success Symptoms?

After an IUI treatment, your fertility doctor will ask you to wait for nearly 14-20 days before analysing IUI success symptoms. There are some ways to identify whether the procedure has been successful or not, for instance, doing a blood test.

An IUI procedure that has resulted in pregnancy can be identified with the following signs and symptoms. Common IUI success symptoms include:

  • Spotty bleeding – After the IUI procedure, embryo implantation can cause slight spotting and bleeding similar to the one that you experience before your menstruation starts.
  • Tenderness in the breast – IUI success can be known if your breasts feel tender. It is because of progesterone and estrogen hormones in your body.
  • Nausea – Nausea is a well-known early sign of IUI pregnancy. It can also be accompanied by morning sickness which is vomiting in the morning.
  • Fatigue – An increase in the progesterone levels due to IUI pregnancy can leave you feeling more tired than usual.
  • Food cravings and aversions – IUI success can also be identified if you feel cravings and/or aversions to certain food items. This may also happen due to mineral deficiency in your body.
  • Delay in menstruation – An absence or delay in getting your period is a prominent sign of IUI pregnancy or even normal pregnancy.
  • High body temperature – Pregnancy hormones after a successful IUI can lead to a consistent increase in your body temperature.

While the above-given IUI success signs mean IUI success stories, you should also watch out for warning signs that may indicate risk or complication. These are:

  • Bright-red bleeding
  • Severe abdominal cramps
  • Pain in the neck and legs
  • Fever
  • Dizziness or fainting

8 Keys to a Successful IUI- 

Here are 8 keys to a successful IUI treatment:

  1. Comprehensive Fertility Evaluation: Both couples should receive a thorough fertility evaluation prior to IUI. This includes determining how well the woman’s ovaries work, looking for any structural irregularities, and confirming that the man’s sperm quantity and quality are within normal norms.
  2. Ovulation monitoring: For IUI, precise timing is essential. The most fertile time for the treatment to be carried out is determined by regular monitoring of the woman’s menstrual cycle, typically using ultrasound and hormone level evaluations.
  3. Quality sperm sample: A high-quality sperm sample is necessary for a successful IUI. To guarantee ideal motility and concentration, the sperm sample needs to be carefully obtained, handled, and prepared.
  4. Washed Sperm: Before insemination, the sperm is “washed” to remove seminal fluid and other impurities. This process concentrates the healthy sperm, increasing the chances of successful fertilization.
  5. Infection Control: Ensuring a sterile environment during the IUI procedure reduces the risk of infection, which could negatively impact fertility.
  6. Uterine Placement: Proper placement of the sperm into the uterus is crucial. It should be performed by a skilled fertility specialis who can accurately position the thin tube (catheter) to release the sperm near the fallopian tubes where fertilization occurs.
  7. Lifestyle Factors: Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, regular exercise, and stress management, can improve the chances of IUI success. Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption should be avoided.
  8. Follow-Up and Patience: Success in IUI may not happen immediately. It’s essential to maintain open communication with your healthcare provider, track your progress, and be patient throughout the process. Multiple IUI cycles may be necessary to achieve pregnancy.

How to Succeed with IUI on the First Try

Seeking fertility treatment can take an emotional toll on couples struggling with conception. To improve its chances, making the IUI treatment successful on the first try may require mindful strategies modified with your fertility specialist. Some of them are:

  • Joining stress management activities will eliminate the risk of complications.
  • Go for thorough evaluation in order to rule out any underlying condition.
  • Keep open communication with your partner and friends to seek emotional support if or whenever required.
  • Take medications and prescribed supplements timely to promote the treatment results.

What to Eat After IUI procedure for Successful Results?

What you eat before and after an IUI procedure plays an important role in outlining the success of the treatment. Here is a list of some expert-approved foods you should eat and avoid after an IUI procedure to improve your chances of conception.

Foods to eat:

  • Dry fruits
  • Leafy vegetables
  • Fresh and home-cooked food
  • Quinoa and brown rice
  • Eggs, nuts, seeds and oats

Food to Eat After IUI procedure

Foods to avoid:

  • Processed food
  • Raw meats
  • Seafood
  • Spicy foods
  • Papaya and pineapple

Foods to avoid After IUI procedure


IUI success rate is a subjective matter for most couples as it depends on the various factors such as conditions, biological markers and lifestyle choices of a couple. However, most couples can increase their chances by practicing healthy habits and the above-given tips to a successful IUI.

At Birla Fertility & IVF centers, our expert team of embryologists and fertility specialists has a 85% success rate. We understand you and your unique fertility needs and hence personalize your treatment to increase your chances of conception. If you are Looking for an affordable and trusted IUI treatment? Book a FREE consultation with our fertility specialist today


  • What cycle of IUI is most successful?

It has been estimated that the first 3 to 4 cycles of IUI are the most successful. However, success rates for each couple differ and are dependent on factors including overall reproductive health and age.

  • How should I sleep after IUI?

Immediately after an IUI procedure, you will be asked to lie down for about 20-30 minutes. After that, you should maintain a healthy sleep cycle of at least 8 hours.

  • What causes IUI to fail?

Some factors that can cause IUI to fail are endometriosis, poor sperm morphology, poor sperm motility, low sperm count, and ovulation disorders.

  • What happens if IUI doesn’t work?

If the IUI cycle does not work, your fertility doctor will analyse your health to identify the issue and strive to treat it with other treatment protocols including IVF.

  • What should be follicle size for IUI success?

Ideally, the follicle size for IUI success should be between 19 to 20 mm.

  • Is IUI 100% successful?

No, IUI is not 100% successful. The success rate of the IUI treatment depends on various factors, such as the age of the patient, the severity of the infertility disorder, the number of cycles, and the expertise of the specialist.

Written by:
Dr. Madhulika Sharma

Dr. Madhulika Sharma

Dr. Madhulika Sharma is an esteemed Fertility Specialist with more than 16 years of clinical experience. She is renowned for her exceptional expertise and compassionate approach to helping aspiring parents navigate their fertility journey. With over a decade of experience in reproductive medicine, she specializes in cutting-edge IVF techniques and individualized treatment plans tailored to each couple's unique needs. Her commitment to patient care is evident in her warm, empathetic demeanor and the personalized attention she gives to every case. She is a member of the following societies European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, Federation of Obstetrics and Gynecological Societies of India (FOGSI), Indian Fertility Society and Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction.
Meerut, Uttar Pradesh

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