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Birla Fertility & IVF

Understand High AMH Levels and Its Fertility Treatment

  • Published on November 02, 2023
Understand High AMH Levels and Its Fertility Treatment

The path to motherhood can be fraught with difficulties and uncertainties. Fertility difficulties are a common aspect of this journey for many individuals and couples. Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) has become a key marker in determining fertility and directing fertility treatment in recent years. High AMH levels have their own set of complications, even though low AMH levels are frequently linked to lower fertility. In this blog, let’s explore the realm of high AMH levels, its implications on fertility treatment, and potential treatment options.

What is Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH)?

Prior to talking about elevated AMH levels, it’s important to comprehend what AMH is and how it functions within the reproductive system. The glycoprotein known as anti-Mullerian hormone is generated by the ovarian follicles. Its main job is to stop the male embryo’s Müllerian ducts from growing during foetal development, which stops the development of the female reproductive organs. The ovarian follicles in females continue to produce AMH throughout their lives, but at varying rates depending on the stage of development.

The amount of tiny antral follicles in the ovaries is reflected in the blood’s AMH levels. The number of these tiny antral follicles, which are the precursors to mature eggs, can reveal a woman’s ovarian reserve, which in turn reveals her potential for fertility.

High Levels of AMH: What Do They Indicate

When it comes to fertility, high AMH levels can be concerning. Significantly high levels of AMH in a woman’s blood can indicate a number of conditions and have various effects on fertility.

  • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): PCOS is a hormonal condition affecting the ovaries and is one of the most common causes of high AMH levels. Menstrual cycle irregularities, high levels of androgen (male hormone), and an abundance of tiny cysts on the ovaries are all signs of PCOS. Women with PCOS frequently have high AMH levels, which can cause inconsistent ovulation and infertility.
  • Greater Ovarian Reserve: A higher ovarian reserve may be indicated by elevated AMH levels. This has potential benefits, but it can also have drawbacks. The risk of multiple pregnancies and ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) can increase when high ovarian reserve causes hyperstimulation during fertility treatments.
  • Diminished Ovarian Quality: Inversely, there may be a connection between worse egg quality and elevated AMH levels. This may make it more difficult to become pregnant, particularly if conception occurs naturally.
  • Insensitivity to FSH: Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which is necessary for the growth and maturation of eggs, may cause some people’s ovaries to become insensitive, which can result in excessive AMH levels. The effectiveness of reproductive therapies may be lowered by this insensitivity.

Fertility Treatment Options for High AMH Levels

Optimising fertility treatment and controlling elevated AMH levels can be challenging tasks. Depending on the underlying reason and the patient’s objectives, the strategy may change. For those with elevated levels of AMH, the following reproductive therapy options are available:

  • Ovulation Induction: In cases with elevated AMH linked to PCOS, ovulation induction drugs such as Clomiphene or Letrozole may be used to induce ovulation. These drugs encourage the release of mature eggs and help control the menstrual cycle.
  • In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF): For those with elevated AMH levels, IVF is a typical fertility treatment. It lowers the possibility of multiple pregnancies by enabling improved control over the quantity of eggs extracted. Close observation is necessary to avoid ovarian hyperstimulation, though.
  • Oocyte (Egg) Freezing: To preserve their eggs for later use, some people with high AMH levels choose to freeze their eggs. For women who want to protect their fertility but aren’t ready to create a family, this can be a proactive strategy.
  • Tailored Treatment Programmes: Individuals may have varying effects from elevated AMH levels. It is essential to treat patients individually for infertility, taking into account their age, unique hormonal profiles, and medical history. This guarantees that care is customised to meet each patient’s specific requirements.
  • Lifestyle Modifications: Reducing stress, keeping a healthy weight, and managing insulin resistance (in the case of PCOS) are examples of lifestyle alterations that can improve fertility regardless of the treatment plan used.

Challenges and Considerations

Although elevated AMH levels might suggest a possibly greater egg pool, it’s critical to recognise the obstacles and factors that accompany this possibility:

  • Risk of Ovarian Hyperstimulation: People with high AMH levels are more likely to experience ovarian hyperstimulation during reproductive treatments, particularly IVF. This may need medical attention, result in discomfort, and cause consequences.
  • Possibility of Multiple Pregnancies: Individuals with elevated AMH levels are more likely to become pregnant with twins or triplets. Although some would view this as a good thing, there are also more health concerns for the mother and the children as a result.
  • Concerns about Egg Quality: Not all eggs with high AMH levels are of high quality. Having a large egg bank does not guarantee a successful pregnancy because the quality of the eggs will be low.
  • Psychological Stress: Trying for a child can be a very emotional process. The process of reproductive therapies, monitoring, and expectation management might cause additional psychological stress for people with high AMH levels.


Elevated AMH levels are a multifaceted element of fertility, frequently linked to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) and possible difficulties during the process of becoming a parent. High levels of AMH can indicate a greater ovarian reserve, but they can also cause problems including ovarian hyperstimulation and low-quality eggs. It’s critical that individuals and couples with high AMH levels collaborate closely with reproductive specialists to develop individualised treatment programmes that cater to their particular requirements and objectives.

Fertility therapies have advanced significantly, providing many people with high AMH levels and related problems with hope and answers. The road to motherhood may be fraught with uncertainty, but high AMH can be managed with the correct support system and medical advice. If you are planning for fertility treatment and want to learn more about high AMH levels, give us a call today to meet our expert. Or, you can fill in the details in the give appointment form and our coordinator will call you back shortly.

Written by:
Dr. Rasmin Sahu

Dr. Rasmin Sahu

Dr. Rasmin Sahu is a dedicated healthcare professional with expertise in male and female infertility. She has received appreciation for her invaluable service during the COVID-19 pandemic and has actively participated in various conferences related to reproductive health.
Cuttack, Odisha

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