Allied Specialties

Allied specialties refer to a diverse range of healthcare fields that complement our primary fertility services. These specialties work together with our core fertility treatments to provide comprehensive care. By integrating allied specialties, we offer multiple services that address various aspects of health and wellness, ensuring a holistic approach to patient care. This collaboration enhances our ability to diagnose and treat complex fertility issues, improving outcomes and patient satisfaction. Our allied specialties encompass various medical and healthcare disciplines, including endocrinology, urology, psychology, nutrition, and more. They all work together to support our patients' journey toward successful conception and overall health.

Allied Specialties

Why Allied Specialties?

Specialised Expertise:

  • Accurate Diagnosis and Treatment: More accurate diagnosis and targeted treatment plans tailored to specific conditions.
  • Enhanced Precision: Enhanced precision in managing complex fertility issues through multidisciplinary collaboration.
  • Advanced Techniques: Utilises advanced techniques and knowledge from various specialties, ensuring cutting-edge treatment options.

Enhance Health & Wellness:

  • Promoting Overall Wellness: Allied specialties promote overall wellness and help prevent diseases.
  • Integrating Specialties: Integrating specialties like nutrition, psychology, and physical therapy ensures a well-rounded approach to patient care.
  • Preventive Care: Focuses on preventive care to mitigate health issues before they affect fertility, enhancing long-term health outcomes.

Patient-Centric Care:

  • Personalised Treatments: Allied specialties focus on patient-centric care, ensuring that treatments are personalised and holistic.
  • Enhanced Patient Satisfaction: This comprehensive approach enhances patient satisfaction and improves treatment outcomes.
  • Continuous Support: Offers continuous support throughout the treatment, ensuring that patients feel cared for and supported at every step.

When to See a Doctor

Unable to Conceive

  • Persistent Infertility: If you have been trying to conceive for over a year with regular, unprotected sex without success, it’s time to consult a fertility specialist.
  • Early Evaluation: Early evaluation can identify potential issues and allow for timely treatment interventions, improving the chances of conception.
  • Advanced Age: Women over 35 and men over 40 should seek evaluation after six months of trying, as age can affect fertility.

Sexual Problems

  • Ejaculation Issues: Experiencing ejaculation problems, such as delayed ejaculation or inability to ejaculate.
  • Pain and Swelling: Pain or swelling in the reproductive organs can indicate underlying conditions that a healthcare professional should address.
  • Libido Changes: Significant changes in sexual desire or performance can also be a sign of underlying health issues affecting fertility.

Family History of Infertility

  • Hereditary Factors: If there is a family history of infertility, seeking medical advice early can help in understanding potential hereditary factors.
  • Preventive Measures: Early consultation can provide insights into preventive measures or early interventions to improve fertility outcomes.

Why Choose Us

Choosing the right fertility clinic is crucial for starting your family. At Birla Fertility & IVF, we offer personalised care with expert specialists guiding you every step of the way. Our advanced labs and outstanding success rates have helped over 2,30,000 patients achieve their dream of parenthood.

Allied Specialties


Urology is a medical speciality that focuses on diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders of the urinary tract. At Birla Fertility & IVF Centre, we offer a comprehensive range of services dedicated to reproductive health and fertility preservation.

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Endocrinology is a branch of medicine focusing on the endocrine system, comprising glands that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream. These hormones regulate various bodily functions, including metabolism, growth, development, mood, and reproduction.

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Oncology is the branch of medicine focused on cancer. It includes studying cancer biology, treatment options, and patient management. Oncologists treat various cancers, including breast, lung, prostate, leukaemia, and lymphoma. They collaborate with fertility specialists to offer fertility preservation options like sperm, egg, and embryo freezing before cancer treatments.

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Dietetics is a field that focuses on the relationship between food, nutrition, and human health. It encompasses applying nutritional science to promote health and manage diseases through dietary choices. Dietitians play a crucial role in healthcare and also help with ongoing fertility treatments. Let’s explore how.

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Counselling services offer vital emotional and psychological support for individuals and couples dealing with infertility. These sessions help manage stress, address feelings of frustration and grief, and provide coping strategies. Through empathetic guidance, counselling helps couples navigate the emotional challenges of infertility, fostering resilience and hope.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Urologists work closely with fertility specialists to diagnose and treat conditions like low sperm count or varicocele, offering surgical or medical interventions that enhance the chances of conception.

Yes, certain cancer treatments can impact fertility. Fertility specialists having expertise in oncology offer fertility preservation options, like sperm or egg freezing, before starting cancer treatment.

Patient counseling provides emotional support, helps couples navigate the complexities of fertility treatments, and improves their ability to cope with the stress and anxiety associated with infertility.

Dietitians can optimize a couple’s nutrition to support reproductive health, addressing issues like weight management, hormone balance, and overall well-being, which can improve fertility outcomes.

Urologists diagnose and treat male reproductive issues, such as low sperm motility or blockages, providing treatments that can significantly enhance a couple’s ability to conceive naturally or through assisted reproduction.

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