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Birla Fertility & IVF
Birla Fertility & IVF

How Can I Know How Far Along I am in My Pregnancy?

  • Published on April 26, 2024
How Can I Know How Far Along I am in My Pregnancy?

Weeks from the start date of your last menstrual period (LMP) is the most popular way to calculate how far along you are in your pregnancy. As an alternative, during prenatal visits, gynaecologists can use ultrasound measurements to predict gestational age and the date of delivery. Monitoring foetal growth milestones and symptoms can potentially reveal information about the course of the pregnancy.

How Accurate is a Pregnancy Calculator in Predicting the Estimated Date of Delivery (EDD)?

  • Published on April 26, 2024
How Accurate is a Pregnancy Calculator in Predicting the Estimated Date of Delivery (EDD)?

Pregnancy calculators calculate the estimated due date (EDD) using the start date of the last menstrual period (LMP). However, predictions may be affected by individual differences in foetal growth, ovulation timing, and menstrual cycle length.

What is the Estimated Date of Delivery (EDD), and Why is it Important?

  • Published on April 26, 2024
What is the Estimated Date of Delivery (EDD), and Why is it Important?

The estimated date of delivery (EDD), which is often determined by ultrasound measures or as 40 weeks from the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP), is the anticipated day on which the baby is expected to be born. It acts as a point of reference when preparing for childbirth and expecting the arrival of the baby.

What is a Pregnancy Calculator, and How does it Work?

  • Published on April 26, 2024
What is a Pregnancy Calculator, and How does it Work?

A pregnancy calculator uses the start date of the last menstrual period (LMP) to estimate key dates during pregnancy, such as the estimated date of delivery (EDD). It facilitates expecting parents in monitoring the progress of the pregnancy.

My Cycle isn’t 28 Days. Will this Due Date Calculator Work for Me?

  • Published on April 26, 2024
My Cycle isn’t 28 Days. Will this Due Date Calculator Work for Me?

Yes, the due date calculator generally works for everyone. Typically, the average cycle duration is 28 days. However, if it is shorter or longer than the average duration the due date may differ. For shorter menstrual cycle length the due date is said to be earlier. Whereas, if it is longer than the due date, the date moves further. This calculator takes into account the cycle length variations and LMP to predict the most accurate due date for your delivery.

How does Prenatal Care Support Tracking the Due Date in Pregnancy?

  • Published on April 26, 2024
How does Prenatal Care Support Tracking the Due Date in Pregnancy?

Prenatal care entails routine check-ups with medical professionals, such as physical exams and ultrasounds, to evaluate the health of the mother, monitor the growth of the fetus, and monitor progress toward the due date. Throughout the pregnancy, these check-ups contribute to the mother’s and the unborn child’s well-being.

Can One Predict Their Due Date Accurately?

  • Published on April 26, 2024
Can One Predict Their Due Date Accurately?

It’s difficult to anticipate the precise date of birth, but due dates offer a rough timeline for delivery. Predictions may not be accurate due to variables such as irregular ovulation, variations in fetal growth, and variations in the length of the menstrual cycle. To estimate due dates, fertility experts or gynecologists employ a variety of techniques, such as maternal health exams and ultrasound measurements.

How are Weeks in Pregnancy Calculated?

  • Published on April 26, 2024
How are Weeks in Pregnancy Calculated?

Pregnancy weeks are usually measured starting on the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP). The weeks are predicted based on a menstrual cycle lasting 28 days, with ovulation taking place on day 14. Typically, from the last menstrual period (LMP), pregnancy lasts for about 40 weeks or 280 days.

Can the Due Date in Pregnancy Change?

  • Published on April 26, 2024
Can the Due Date in Pregnancy Change?

Indeed, the due date may alter depending on parameters like the results of an ultrasound, changes in the duration of the menstrual cycle, or modifications made by medical professionals during the prenatal visit. Due dates are frequently changed as a pregnancy develops.

What is the Due Date in Pregnancy, and How is it Determined?

  • Published on April 26, 2024
What is the Due Date in Pregnancy, and How is it Determined?

The estimated date of delivery, or due date, is usually determined by ultrasound measures or 40 weeks from the start day of the last menstrual period (LMP). In this calculator, we use both the start date of the last menstrual period (LMP) and the cycle length to predict your due date.

How Reliable are Ovulation Calculators for Tracking Fertility?

  • Published on April 25, 2024
How Reliable are Ovulation Calculators for Tracking Fertility?

In general, ovulation calculators are reliable for monitoring fertility and determining the fertility window. Individual fertility patterns, however, can differ, and accuracy can also be impacted by other elements including irregular cycles or underlying medical issues.

Can Using an Ovulation Calculator Improve the Chances of Getting Pregnant?

  • Published on April 25, 2024
Can Using an Ovulation Calculator Improve the Chances of Getting Pregnant?

By assisting women in determining their fertile window—the ideal period for conception—ovulation calculators can increase the likelihood of conception. Accurately timed sexual activity with ovulation can help couples improve their chances of pregnancy.

Why does Ovulation Play a Key Role in Pregnancy?

  • Published on April 25, 2024
Why does Ovulation Play a Key Role in Pregnancy?

In order to create a viable embryo, sperm must fertilize the released egg during ovulation, which is why ovulation is crucial for pregnancy. Pregnancy is facilitated when ovulation is accurately detected and timed, as this increases the chance of successful fertilization and implantation.

How does an Ovulation Calculator Help Women in Their Conception Journey?

  • Published on April 25, 2024
How does an Ovulation Calculator Help Women in Their Conception Journey?

To increase the likelihood of conception, women can optimize their odds of conception by using ovulation calculators, which help them forecast when they will be most fertile. Through the provision of information regarding the timing of ovulation, these technologies enable women to take proactive measures towards becoming pregnant.

How does Ovulation Affect Pregnancy?

  • Published on April 25, 2024
How does Ovulation Affect Pregnancy?

Because it signifies the release of a developed egg from the ovary, ovulation is an essential step in the pregnancy process. Conception takes place if the sperm fertilizes the egg at this time. Increasing the chance of conception and a healthy pregnancy can be achieved by being aware of and monitoring ovulation.

What is an Ovulation Calculator, and How Does it Work?

  • Published on April 25, 2024
What is an Ovulation Calculator, and How Does it Work?

The most fertile days in a woman’s menstrual cycle can be predicted with an ovulation calculator, which is usually based on the length of the woman’s cycle and the date of her previous menstruation. It assists women in determining their window of opportunity for conception by approximating the moment of ovulation, or when the ovary releases an egg for fertilization.

Can Foods Affect the Menstrual Cycle?

  • Published on April 25, 2024
Can Foods Affect the Menstrual Cycle?

Indeed, certain meals can impact hormone levels, inflammation, and general health, that can disrupt the menstrual cycle. Foods heavy in sugar or refined carbohydrates, processed foods, coffee, and alcohol are a few examples. Menstrual health can be supported by eating a balanced diet full of nutritious grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean meats.

What Causes Irregular Periods?

  • Published on April 25, 2024
What Causes Irregular Periods?

Many things, including stress, diet or weight changes, hormonal imbalances, medical illnesses like PCOS or thyroid issues, extreme exercise, travel, or certain drugs, might cause a delay in menstruation.

Why do Periods Get Delayed?

  • Published on April 25, 2024
Why do Periods Get Delayed?

Hormonal imbalances, thyroid issues, PCOS, drastic weight fluctuations, stress, certain drugs, nursing, perimenopause, or reproductive abnormalities can all lead to irregular periods.

What are Common Menstrual Changes to Expect?

  • Published on April 25, 2024
What are Common Menstrual Changes to Expect?

Variations in cycle length, shifts in the volume or consistency of the flow, shifts in premenstrual symptoms like mood swings or cramps, and shifts in the bleeding length are common menstrual alterations.

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Written by:
Dr. Madhuri Thakur

Dr. Madhuri Thakur

Dr. Madhuri Thakur is a fertility specialist with over 3 years of experience and has successfully performed more than 100 IVF cycles. She specializes in laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, and minimally invasive surgeries for complex infertility cases.
Raipur, Chhattisgarh

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Fertility Treatments

Problems with fertility are both emotionally and medically challenging. At Birla Fertility & IVF, we focus on providing you with supportive, personalized care at every step of your journey towards becoming a parent.

Male Infertility

Male factor infertility accounts for almost 40%-50% of all infertility cases. Decreased sperm function can be the result of genetic, lifestyle, medical or environmental factors. Fortunately, most causes of male factor infertility can be easily diagnosed and treated.

We offer a comprehensive range of sperm retrieval procedures and treatments for couples with male factor infertility or sexual dysfunction.

Donor Services

We offer a comprehensive and supportive donor program to our patients who require donor sperm or donor eggs in their fertility treatments. We are partnered with reliable, government authorised banks to source quality assured donor samples which are carefully matched to you based on blood type and physical characteristics.

Fertility Preservation

Whether you have made an active decision to delay parenthood or are about to undergo medical treatments that may affect your reproductive health, we can help you explore options to preserve your fertility for the future.

Gynaecological Procedures

Some conditions that impact fertility in women such as blocked fallopian tubes, endometriosis, fibroids, and T-shaped uterus may be treatable with surgery. We offer a range of advanced laparoscopic and hysteroscopic procedures to diagnose and treat these issues.

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Complete range of basic and advanced fertility investigations to diagnose causes of male and female infertility, making way for personalized treatment plans.

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