Pregnancy Calculator

This calculator helps you track your pregnancy journey and the necessary factors that need to be taken care of during that time. It gives you details about the age of your foetus, pregnancy duration, baby’s first heartbeat and end dates of trimesters till the estimated due date.


How To Use
Pregnancy Calculator?

The calculator is easy to use and just needs the start date of your last menstrual period (LMP). It helps track important pregnancy milestones like the date of conception, the date of reliable positive pregnancy test, and the trimester dates.  It is a personalized pregnancy calculator that will vary from one expecting mother to another.

How To Use Pregnancy Calculator

Benefits of Pregnancy Calculator

If you are stressed about pregnancy and the journey then it is a better idea to use this pregnancy calculator and schedule your calendar accordingly by putting necessary reminders. Also, a pregnancy calculator helps you prepare better for every necessary visit to the doctor and test advised during the pregnancy journey. This lowers some stress when you know that you have control over planning in advance.

The following are some information you can fetch from the pregnancy calculator:

  • Conception Date
  • Pregnancy duration – calculated from conception until the current date
  • Reliable positive pregnancy test
  • Baby’s first movement felt date
  • Baby’s first heart tones
  • End date of the first trimester
  • End date of the second trimester
  • Lastly, the estimated due date

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take a pregnancy test

How soon can I
take a pregnancy test?

If you are wondering when you should take pregnancy tests, then the right time is from the first day of missed menstruation. If the test comes positive then you may have confirmed pregnancy. On the other hand, if it comes negative then it means you have not conceived. Pregnancy can be determined through two types of tests; urine and blood. There are multiple urine test kits available in the market to check the pregnancy. However, at-home tests may not be 100% reliable, therefore, it is always advisable to double-check with the expert or take another test.

How should I take care in all three trimesters of pregnancy?

First trimester

First trimester

The first trimester of pregnancy typically lasts till the 13th week from the date of conception. During this time you may feel early signs of pregnancy such as missed periods, tender breasts, morning sickness, nausea, vomiting, mood swings, bloated, and constant fatigue. It is said that the first trimester of pregnancy is critical for the baby as it is an early yet major stage of organ and body systems development. The expecting mother is advised to eat healthily, rest properly and stay active to boost the growth of the foetus. Because any harmful factor can impact the growth of the baby and may increase the risk of complications and in some cases birth disorders. Therefore, it is always best to visit an expert as scheduled and take good care of yourself at the beginning of the pregnancy to build a healthy body for your baby’s growth.

Second trimester

Second trimester

All three trimesters are divided into 13 weeks equally. The second trimester goes until 27 weeks of pregnancy. During this time the baby begins to grow larger in size and the expecting mother begins noticing the baby bump. It is said that the second trimester is easier compared to the first and third trimesters, but it is still necessary to stay aware of your body during this time. Some common symptoms you may notice in your second trimester include the size of your abdomen, dizziness, body aches, increased diet, stretchmarks on your body, little movement of the baby, and swelling on the hands and legs joints.

Third trimester

Third trimester

This is the last phase of pregnancy which starts from 28 weeks till 40 weeks. The third trimester can be challenging for women physically and emotionally. During this stage, the baby is considered full-term. An expecting mother may experience heartburn, movement of the baby in the belly, frequent urination, swelling at parts of the body, sore breasts, and disturbed sleep patterns. Also, it is advised to the mother that if they feel any odd signs like extreme swelling, leakage of fluid through the vaginal cavity, frequent weight gain, sudden bleeding, and painful contractions, then consult the expert for immediate medical assistance for the right advice.

Signs & Symptoms
of Pregnancy

It is said that the signs and symptoms during pregnancy gradually occur in different time frames. While some women experience every sign and symptom possible during pregnancy, others may experience only a few mentioned below:


Missed period
Missed period
Mood swings
Mood swings
Breast tenderness
Breast tenderness
Frequent urination
Frequent urination

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Myths & Facts

Myths- “You can’t exercise during pregnancy.”


FALSE! During pregnancy, moderate exercise is good for the mother and the unborn child’s general health and well-being. Seek advice from a fertility specialist or a gynaecologist regarding safe workout activities.

Myths- “You must eat for two during pregnancy.”


FALSE! Although pregnant women have higher dietary needs, the notion of “eating for two” is untrue. Prioritizing nutrient rich foods over quantity will help to maintain the health of both the mother and the foetus. Talk to a professional nutritionist for individualized dietary advice.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Pregnancy Calculator, and How does it Work?

A pregnancy calculator uses the start date of the last menstrual period (LMP) to estimate key dates during pregnancy, such as the estimated date of delivery (EDD). It facilitates expecting parents in monitoring the progress of the pregnancy.

What is the Estimated Date of Delivery (EDD), and Why is it Important?

The estimated date of delivery (EDD), which is often determined by ultrasound measures or as 40 weeks from the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP), is the anticipated day on which the baby is expected to be born. It acts as a point of reference when preparing for childbirth and expecting the arrival of the baby.

How Accurate is a Pregnancy Calculator in Predicting the Estimated Date of Delivery (EDD)?

Pregnancy calculators calculate the estimated due date (EDD) using the start date of the last menstrual period (LMP). However, predictions may be affected by individual differences in foetal growth, ovulation timing, and menstrual cycle length.

How Can I Know How Far Along I am in My Pregnancy?

Weeks from the start date of your last menstrual period (LMP) is the most popular way to calculate how far along you are in your pregnancy. As an alternative, during prenatal visits, gynaecologists can use ultrasound measurements to predict gestational age and the date of delivery. Monitoring foetal growth milestones and symptoms can potentially reveal information about the course of the pregnancy.