Fertility Preservation

Fertility preservation is a procedure test of preserving or saving eggs, sperm, or reproductive tissue to help people have biological children in the future. Usually, fertility preservation is done before an individual undergoes medical treatment that could lead to infertility, for instance, chemotherapy. It is also a wise option for people who want to delay childbirth for professional or personal reasons.  The procedure ensures that individuals have the option of having children at a later stage in life. Freezing eggs, sperm banking, and in vitro fertilisation (IVF) with freezing embryos are a few examples of fertility preservation procedures. 

Egg Freezing

Reasons for Fertility Preservation

These days, fertility preservation is being considered by individuals and couples alike. Some compelling reasons to consider this procedure are:

  • Professional or Personal Timing: Couples may opt to preserve their gametes (eggs or sperm) as their immediate focus is their career or achieving personal goals.
  • Age and Egg Quality: As the quantity and quality of eggs decline with age, women may consider fertility preservation early on. Fertility preservation helps keep the option of building a family open in the years to come.
  • Medical Reasons: Fertility can be affected by specific medical treatments or conditions, and a few sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). If such conditions are diagnosed, an individual might consider fertility preservation to have children later on.
  • Chemotherapy: Cancer treatments like chemotherapy can adversely impact the reproductive cells. Freezing the eggs or sperm before the treatment can help avoid potential infertility.
  • Radiation Therapy: Radiation therapy, like chemotherapy, also has a damaging effect on one’s reproductive organs and fertility.
  • Surgery: Surgical procedures associated with the reproductive organs may reduce the chances of fertility and conception. For such individuals, fertility preservation is a precautionary step.

When to See a Doctor

  • Cancer Diagnosis: An individual diagnosed with cancer should consider consulting for fertility preservation before starting any treatment.
  • Age: By the age of 35, a woman’s fertility and a man’s sperm quality begin to decline. Consulting a fertility specialist helps individuals make well-informed decisions to preserve their fertility.
  • Gender Transition Treatment: Individuals planning to undergo gender transition treatments, like surgery or hormone therapy, should consider fertility preservation. It helps store their reproductive cells for future use.
  • Genetic Disorders: Consulting a specialist offers insights into how genetic disorders affect reproductive health and the preservation options available.

Why Choose Us

Choosing the right fertility clinic is crucial for starting your family. At Birla Fertility & IVF, we offer personalised care with expert specialists guiding you every step of the way. Our advanced labs and outstanding success rates have helped over 2,30,000 patients achieve their dream of parenthood.

Fertility Preservation Methods

Egg Freezing

Unfertilised eggs are harvested from the ovaries after a course of hormone therapy and frozen to be fertilised and transferred in future fertility treatments.

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Embryo Freezing

Embryo freezing involves undergoing an IVF cycle where harvested eggs from the female partner are fertilised with sperm from the male partner and resulting embryos are frozen and stored.

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Semen Freezing

Sperm is collected from the semen sample or extracted directly via surgical retrieval techniques and is mixed with a protective solution, frozen and stored in sealed vials.

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Preservation for Cancer Patients

Treatments for cancer including chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgical interventions as well as certain cancers are known to directly impact fertility by harming ovarian, testicular, and uterine function. Fortunately, advancements in the field of fertility medicine and assisted reproductive technology now allows us to effectively preserve fertility in men and women through their treatments.

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Frequently Asked Questions

You can opt for fertility preservation if you are about to undergo medical treatments like chemotherapy, or simply if you wish to conceive at a later stage in life.

Most sperm and eggs can remain frozen for about ten years or more if carefully frozen and monitored.

Fertility preservation procedures do not guarantee pregnancy. Common procedures like freezing eggs, sperm, and embryos have a long history of success for a few people. Schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider to understand more about fertility preservation.

Patients with cancer can opt for fertility preservation if they are scheduled to undergo chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery that might affect their chances of reproduction.

Some common options to preserve fertility include egg freezing, embryo freezing (for couples), sperm freezing, and ovarian tissue freezing. These methods preserve eggs or embryos for future use.

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