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برلا زرخيزي ۽ IVF
برلا زرخيزي ۽ IVF
اڳيون IVF ناڪاميون اڳيون IVF ناڪاميون

اڳيون IVF ناڪاميون

ڪتاب جو هڪ تقسيم

IVF Failure

When it comes to infertility treatments, every couple or individual takes a different road when dealing with failed IVF. There are various options for a failed IVF cycle, ranging from another IVF cycle to third-party reproductive help to adoption, depending on the cause.

ڇو IVF ناڪام ٿي

Despite its effectiveness, fertility treatment, particularly IVF, is a delicate and scientific procedure. For a successful IVF, both sperm and the eggs must be healthy and fertile for the embryo to be healthy enough to implant in the uterus properly. 

The problem arises when the eggs or the sperm are not of good quality leading to IVF failure.

There are a few IVF failure reasons that are prevalent.

  • Quality and quantity of eggs and sperms

As women approach their late-30s, their eggs start to diminish in both quantity and quality.

Due to some lifestyle changes or health-related factors, sperm quality and quantity may be affected in men, leading to IVF failure.

  • Unsuccessful Fertilisation

In certain circumstances, fertilisation just does not take place. This might be due to the egg’s or sperm’s quality.

  • جنين امپلانٽيشن ۾ ناڪامي

هڪ جنين جي ناڪامي ٻن عنصرن مان هڪ سبب ٿي سگهي ٿي.

  1. The first factor is that the embryo’s environment in the uterus wasn’t sufficient to maintain it and endometrium or scar tissue might all be at blame 
  2. The second factor of embryo failure would be detecting chromosomal defects in the embryo. It is recommended for women over 35 to get examined for chromosomal defective eggs
  • Factors affecting your lifestyle

Smoking has a direct influence on the outcome of IVF procedures. Women who smoke more than two times a day might have a higher chance of miscarriage. The probability of a failed IVF cycle may arise if you are underweight or overweight.

IVF ناڪامي جو سڀ کان عام سبب ڇا ٿي سگهي ٿو؟

غريب هڏن جي معيار جي ڪري گھٽ جنين جو معيار IVF جي ناڪامي جو سڀ کان وڏو سبب آهي هر عمر ۾.

هڪ عورت کي ڪيترو IVF چڪر ڪرڻ گهرجي؟

سراسري طور تي، هڪ عورت کي ٻه کان ٽي IVF چڪر لاء ڪوشش ڪرڻ گهرجي، پر صرف توهان جي زرخيز ماهر سان صلاح مشورو ڪرڻ کان پوء.

IVF ناڪامي کان پوء ايندڙ قدم ڇا آهي؟

اصطلاح IVF ناڪامي هر ڪنهن لاءِ مختلف آهي، تنهن ڪري توهان جي IVF ناڪامي جي سبب تي منحصر ڪري، اتي ڪيترائي زرخيز علاج ٿي سگهن ٿا جن ۾ ٻيهر ڪوشش ڪرڻ يا زرخيز مدد جي ٻين شڪلن کي چونڊڻ کان وٺي.

درج ڪريو
ڪلڪ ڪري اڳتي وڌو، توهان اسان جي ڳالهه تي متفق آهيو شرطن ۽ حالتون ۽ ذاتي زندگي جي پاليسي

توھان پڻ اسان تائين پھچي سگھوٿا

ڇا توھان وٽ ھڪڙو سوال آھي؟

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